Time flies, one more month to complete this semester. This is probably going to be my last post in this blog since the due date of this assignment is this week.
So I guess everyone must wonder how we came out with " banana-with-thecutecarrot" to represent our group and it was actually a funny topic for everyone in the class. Well, I will just say... it is a random idea. We never thought of this before. We came out with different names, some are serious and some are lame. However, those names are not available when we were applying a new domain for our human communication blog. Since I was the one who in charge of organizing this blog, I just put banana to match with our original idea which is the cute carrot. Why banana? It was just a random idea, no explaination. I was just thinking about monkey at that moment and eventually the idea of banana popped out of nowhere. We want something funny and lame so that people will remember our blog name. Come on, banana-with-thecutecarrot? Have you ever heard of it before? I'm pretty sure this blog is the first one to present this idea. Besides, you can see our group picture as our blogskin. Why group picture? We want something special than other. Instead of using the blogskins that are provided, we decided to make our own blogskin with our group picture. This how we came out with banana-with-thecutecarrot.
I must say banan-with-thecutecarrot is an amazing team. All of us are really into our human communication stuff like tutorial game, 5 minutes silent video clip and movie assignment. It is the fate that brought four of us to be in the same group. We, from hi-and-bye friends to now, friends that can click with each other, help each other and be there to support each other.
What have I chosen human communication? I still remember this question. Now, I can tell you why human communication. Basically, I just want to be a better communicator for my future like how to deal with people. Fashion buyer is always my dream job, a future job that I really want. As the word buyer, I must know how to communicate with others when I want to purchase their products for the company. However, after the pass 2 months plus, I have gained more than what I want. Now, I do not expect people think alike with me and do something that I expect. Trust me, I always though my friends understand what I mean through hints or expect them understand my body action. I understand how people communicate and how to avoid to have conflict. The tone, the meaning of the word, the body action and so on are very important when it comes to communication.
Lastly, I would like to thank to the lecturer, Mr.Murali that make the class to be a fun class and banana-with-thecutecarrot! Human communication class is a memorable class!
© the vanilla villain Vivian
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