Friday, May 29, 2009


Could you remember when was the last time you had actually lean on your parents arm and listening them talking softly to you? When was the last time you threw a tantrum to your parents and acting like a pampered child? AND when was the last time you had actually tell you parents that you love them? Are all these memories still remain in your brain or even in a corner of your heart.

As we grow older, the "rate of forgetting" in a person will increase. People tempt to forget many things that had happened, no matter how important it was to us or how much we cherished it in the past. Sometimes, even though u tired hard to recall what was the missing part, you just could not recall anything. And parents, siblings, friends and teachers will tend to put the blame on us and condemn a lot about our memory power. However memory and our tendencies to forget things are happening beyond what we can control.

God created every living things on this earth. And all of the living things have their own life-cycle. God had also created us to be born under our recent family and people we meet in our life now are believed to be destined by God. There is a saying "The person you had met in your life now will actually be a passer by in your next life; while the passers by in your life now could actually plays an important role in your next life." Have you heard of it before and what you think about it? Well, for me it's not a superstitious believe but I will not 100% believe in it. And I could rationally tell that this might happened, but it might just be a conincidence.

However I always bear this sayings in mind to remind me to cherish everything and everyone that appears in my life. I understand that in my next life, I probably will not have the same family members beside to support me anymore; I would not have the same gang of friends that could spend time with anymore. And everyone around us will be playing a different role in the next life-cycle. Therefore we should treasure the people and things around us. Moreover, none of us will know what will happen tomorrow or even few weeks later. Mishaps and incidents could occur anytime and bring away the live of someone we loves.

Well, it's still not too late to cherish your friends, lecturers, your love ones, and especially your family members starting from tomorrow. Just bear in mind and perform the action of "CHerish". Or else time flies by, people passes by and by that time it is too late for you to regret.
And to my other companions that have been posting about relatioship recently "~ Do cherish your love ones and people who love you ",

cdv*p* - *pOLy* LiAn

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